Poweramp skin TITAN ORANGEGRID v3.02
Requirements: 2.3 and up
Overview: Poweramp skin TITANIUM ORANGE GRID
A TITANIUM ORANGE GRID poweramp skin with a clean design.
Very nice design and beautifull custom icons.
Personalize your Music player with finest Art design and color.

TITANIUM ORANGE GRID is a skin pack for Poweramp 2.x.
This is not a separate application.
Install Poweramp 2 first, then this theme.
After installing the theme.
You can click a button to go straight to applying the skin.
Or you can go straight to Poweramp and it will be in your themes list.
(Poweramp Settings Look and Feel Theme.)
Feel free to contact me if you have any problems or suggestions.
[email protected]
Made in Germany - copyright© all rights reserved Tapanifinal
poweramp skin or com maxmpz audioplayer skin
What's New
Please check Android lollipop - preset and locker update
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