Last Stand v1.0
Requirements: Android 2.3+
The armies of Marema have been betrayed and left to die by their one-time allies, Garen. As PFC John Falk, you have volunteered to buy time for your allies to escape the onslaught of mutated creatures from the Deadlands. Remember: Bravery is standing by your friends, even when you do not know the outcome. Courage is standing alone, when you have already lost.
Hold off the enemy as long as you can, and become a legend. This is your LAST STAND.
-Left Thumbstick controls John's movement
-Right Thumbstick controls the direction John fires
-Thumbsticks are reactive and will adjust their location based on player's finger placement
-Volts (currency) are tracked in the upper-right corner of the screen, and can be used to purchase ammunition and to deploy turrets. Volts are accrued by picking them up after defeating enemies, or by completing waves; the higher the wave, the more
Volts you will earn for completion.
-Volts do not carry over into subsequent games
-Tapping on John will open the weapon menu, where players can equip unlocked weapons
-Locked weapons may be unlocked using Volts or by picking up ammo from defeated enemies
-Ammunition is limited for all weapons other than the S9 Togusa (pistol); additional ammo can be purchased using
Volts by selecting the weapon in question on the menu
-Each weapon has its own attack speed, damage, and clip size…experiment to see what fits your play style best!
-Tapping on deployable pads will bring up the turret menu
-When selected, deployables will spawn on the pad and activate immediately
-Deployables have a limited duration and will despawn automatically
-Machine Gun (yellow) and Missile (Red) deployables will cause damage to enemies within range
-Regeneration Field (green) deployables will slowly heal John while in range
-Gravity Generator (purple) deployables will greatly reduce the speed of nearby enemies
-Enemies will drop a number of useful items when slain
-Power-Ups come in three types: Attack-Up, Speed-Up, and Shield
-Medkits will heal John by a large percentage of his health
-Volts will be added to the player's currency to allow the purchase of ammo and deployables
-Ammo will be added to the player's available clips. Picking up ammunition for a locked weapon will unlock it.
-Conserve your items! Consider leaving extra shields and medkits on the ground until you really need them!
-Can't complete the wave you are on? Look around carefully…there may be an Antlion or a Bunyip lurking nearby!
-Spend those Volts! As you reach higher levels, the only way to survive will be through the careful use of deployables and high power firearms!
More Info:…ment.LastStand
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