AppHunt - discover new apps v1.7.2
Requirements: 4.1+
Overview: AppHunt is a curated list of apps updated in real time. The online community of users select and vote the best apps: either disruptive new apps or apps with new awesome features.

In our front page you can find the most voted apps of the last 7 days. You can also find our top apps of the past months in the top past section.
In AppHunt you can:
* Share the best apps with other users
* Vote for your favorite apps
* Discover trending apps or the best past apps
* Share your thoughts with the community
NOTE: for some of the features, as commenting or share apps, you need to sign in with your google account. You can vote or discover apps without any log in.
Fixed some minor bugs
This app has no advertisements
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Download Instructions:
Download App Hunt apk
AppHunt-1.7.2.apk (2,66 MB) -