Weather 14 days Ad Free vAP.1.0.2 (Paid version)
Requirements: 4.0+
The weather 14 days is the official app of . With information for United States and the rest of the world. Compatible with any smartphone and tablet Android. The app contains a modern design based on Material Design which provides it a quick and easy usage.

- Custom your app with your favorite locations: New York, Washington, San Francisco, Los Angeles and another like Barcelona, Paris, London ... We have more than 250.000 locations over the world!
- You can localize by WIFI or GPS your nearest locations.
- Customize your smartphone with our widgets, setting over your notification bar the temperature or showing the daily rainfall and another issues than you can choose for example temperature between Celsius, Fahrenheit or Kelvin.
- Download it for free to get a high-quality forecasting.
- On the daily forecast screen you will watch the current weather conditions and the main information for the following 14 days. Browse between your locations with a simple slide of your finger and ... remember! The app change the background color depending temperature.
- Select a day to see the detailed information by hour like Atmospheric Pressure, temperature, wind force and direction, rainfall, wind chill, humidity, breaking dawn and sunset even the moon phase.
- Don't forget turn your mobile to check our graphic.
- You can check animated forecast maps of rainfall, wind ,temperature, Cloudiness and pressure in USA as well the rest of the world.
- Watch the animated Radar in the lastest hours and the current situation provides by National Weather Service. The map has the standard pinch/zoom capability which allows you to smoothly zoom.
- Also you can obtain the latest satellite images provided by NOAA
- After install the weather 14 days you can customize your Mobile Desktop with the most beautiful widgets. You will be able to have the current forecast updated hour by hour and the following days.
- You can choose between three sizes: 4x1, 4x2 y 2x2 ( Clock Widget ).
- Share with your family and friends the weather any time by any Social Network like WhatsApp, Facebook or Twitter.
- Its available for USA, France, Spain, United Kingdom, Portugal, Deutschland, Nederland, Canada, Mexico, Italy, Brazil, Australia, Russia and ... many more.
- Translated into English, Spanish, French, Dutch, Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Hindi, Romanian, Turkish, etc...
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