Total Commander 2.70 public beta 1
Requirements: Android 1.5 and up
Overview: Android version of the desktop file manager Total Commander

Main features:
- Copy, Move whole subdirs
- Drag Drop (long press on file icon, move icon)
- Inplace rename, create directories
- Delete (no recycle bin)
- Zip and unzip, unrar
- Properties dialog, change permissions
- Built-in text editor
- Search function (also for text)
- Select/unselect groups of files
- Select by tapping on file icons
- Select range: Long tap+release on icon
- List of installed Apps (built-in plugin)
- FTP and SFTP client (plugin)
- WebDAV (Web folders) (plugin)
- LAN access (plugin)
- Plugins for cloud services: Google Drive, Microsoft Live, Dropbox
- Root support for the main functions (optional)
- Send files via Bluetooth (OBEX)
- Thumbnails for pictures
- Two panels side by side, or virtual two panel mode
- Bookmarks
- Directory history
- Media player which can stream directly from LAN, WebDAV and cloud plugins
- Configurable button bar for changing directories, internal commands, launching apps, and sending shell commands
- Simple help function in English, German, Russian, Ukrainian and Czech
- Optimizations for visually impaired, like text for icons
- Supported languages of the main program: English, German, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese.
- Public translation via
About the new permission "SuperUser":
This permission is now requested to make Total Commander work better on rooted devices. It tells the SuperUser app that Total Commander suports root functions. It has no effect if your device is not rooted. Root functions allow Total Commander to write to system folders like /system or /data. You will be warned before anything is written if the partition is write protected.
You can find some more information here:
What's new in beta 1?
- Save as - use new name as default name for further saves
Media player:
- Better show currently playing track by putting yellow/black frame around the icon
- Configuration dialog, allows to enable/disable some buttons in player bar and notification area
- Buttons to jump backward/forward by a user-defined number of seconds (disabled by default)
- Show previous and next track button in notification area, above each other
- Use MediaPlayer's "gapless playback" feature. Unfortunately there is still a small 100ms gap for mp3 files
- Support pre-buffering about 15 seconds before a track ends, reduces gap between tracks
- Android 6: External file system access using new "User-defined location" button.
- Android 6: Copying from external storage didn't work
- Android 6: Renaming on external storage didn't work (copied instead)
- Show JPG thumbnails also on Android 6 external media, but only if JPG contains EXIF thumbnails
- Wrong icon shown for ZIP files when disabling new icon look
- Use HttpUrlConnection instead of Apache HTTP client (discontinued on Android 6) for media proxy (playing streams), supports https and basic authentication
- Detect when Total Commander apk file was modified (e.g. by virus/trojan), show warning and terminate
More Info:
Download Instructions: