Paradox Blue CM12.1 Theme v1.0.5
Requirements: 5.0 and up
Overview: This theme is designed for ROM's with the latest Cyanogenmod / CM12 Theme Engine.

Paradox Blue is a beautiful (light) theme that is created for people who love "Minimal" and "Design" with a blue accent.
To keep it as minimal as possible, there are only a few colors used.
What's themed:
* System UI
* Settings
* Bootanimation (Thanks to Thijs Oost)
* Keyboard(s) - AOSP and Google Keyboard
* Dialer
* Contacts
* Messages
* Google Play
* Google+
* Google Hangouts
* Google Play Music
* Google Messenger
* Instagram
* Facebook
* YouTube
* Netflix
* Gmail
* CM File Manager
* Theme Manager
* Whatsapp
* Gallery
* Dialogs and Menus
* Quick Settings
* Clock
* CM Browser
* Animated Icons
What's New
Paradox Blue CM12.1 Theme v.1.0.5
- Fixed notification colors
- Darkened QS detail screen (to solve issues with killtask manager and user selection)
- Fixed highlight lines in recents (white lines were annoying)
- more bugfixes
This app has no advertisements
More Info:
Download Instructions:thanks to symos