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Talkray Free Calls and Text v3.24 Apk is the fastest free calling and messaging app used by million of users. Send messages and pictures or calls friends and family across the world via WiFi, 3G.
- Best international call quality clear and optimized for mobile across the world
- It uses low data usage
- Support up to 25 participates for both call and messaging
- Works just like a regular SMS and Phone call by integrating your exiting phone number
- Share pictures, push to talk messages and share emojis, multimedia, voice notes, location, page friends and more
- All features are free no hidden cost, free group calls, free international calls
- Ad free
- Supports multiple devices and multiple languages
What's new
- Contacts integration
- Talkray official account
- New status wall and home page
- Reduced apk size with simplified interface
- Click avatar to see home page
Talkray Free Calls and Text v3.24 Apk
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