Parapaper Cm12 Brown v1.1
Requirements: Android 4.0.3+

Parapaper Brown is a Cm 12 theme.
This theme is ONLY compatible with Custom Roms running on android version 5.x.x.
The AOSP has not be themed to allow you tu use Stock Keyboard if you prefer it.
Then Download Google Keyboard.
You want more accent ? Check my Google PlayStore and Google Plus account to be stuned !
Sweet status bar animations were added ! Screenshot, Google play Music, Vibrator and more..
more than 40 material design inspired icons are included in this theme !
You have here the list of themed apps :
-Android Framework : Actions bars get accent color;
-Settings : Innovative CardView with header;
-SystemUI : Dark CardView panel
-Stock Sms App
Some Google apps :
-Google Keyboard,
-Google Keep,
-Google Music
and more.
-Stock apps like dialer and contact
Social Apps like :
-SnapChat (Innovative !)
More Info:
Download Instructions: