BlackStockTheme CM12.1 CM12 PA v1.7.0
Requirements: Android 5.0+

What if we had the option to select a Black Theme in stock android? Well.. surely would like similar to this.
If you like black themes but you love stock theme, this merges the two ideas together, also to be more battery-friendly on AMOLED displays.
Themed elements:
-Alarm tone
-System UI
-AOSP Keyboard
-CyanogenMod File Manager
-CyanogenMod Gallery
-CyanogenMod Messages
-CyanogenMod Recorder
-CyanogenMod Updater
-Documents/Download UI
-Facebook (statusbar only)
-Google Chrome
-Google Keep
-Google Keyboard
-Google Hangouts (is themed inside the conversations only, because is impossible to theme the rest of the app due to how it has been programmed)
-Google Launcher/Now
-Google Mail
-Google Messenger
-Google Play Music
-Google Play Store
-Google Translate
-Launcher3/Trebuchet(=CM Launcher)
-Package Installer
-Theme Chooser
What's New
--Fixed white backgrounds in Hangouts
More Info:
Download Instructions: